Interactive slide screen

Interactive slide screen

Interactive slide screen is also called slide TV, slide player, etc., through a specially designed mechanical slide control device, combined with high-definition LCD splicing curtain wall, to achieve interactive control of the screen content, slide to different positions The screen displays related information, including Pictures, texts, videos, etc., are a brand new interactive display form that can be used simultaneously with touch. 我要采购 立即咨询

产品详情 & 参数

Interactive slide screen, also known as slide TV, slide playback, etc., uses a specially designed mechanical slide control device combined with high-definition LCD splicing curtain wall to achieve interactive control of screen content. It slides to different positions to display relevant information on the screen, including pictures, text, videos, etc. It is a new form of interactive display that can be used simultaneously with touch.





Copyright Shenzhen Huayun Vision Technology Co., Ltd Yue ICP Bei No. 18043770 技术支持:万创科技