Construction starts in 2024!

文章来源:华云视界 发表时间:2024-02-18

On the ninth day of the first lunar month in 2024, Huayun Vision officially started construction!

Spring Festival passion has faded, life has returned to its original position

A new year, a new starting point, a new journey

Time records your footsteps, and performance proves your efforts,

All pride and success can only represent the past. In the new year, we must continue to work tirelessly, strive harder, and achieve better results!


Thank you again for your trust and support in Huayun Vision,
In the new year, I wish you prosperous business, abundant financial resources, good luck, and all the best!

I also look forward to the new year, where everyone will join hands and create a more brilliant tomorrow!

At present, Huayun Vision has officially started construction,
All businesses are operating normally,

LCD splicing screen, LED display screen, slide screen, advertising machine, touch all-in-one machine, holographic display cabinet

Waiting for your consultation!





Copyright Shenzhen Huayun Vision Technology Co., Ltd Yue ICP Bei No. 18043770 技术支持:万创科技