Chongqing Software Park 55 -inch 1.8mm Case

文章来源:华云视界 发表时间:2022-09-02

Based on the current development of the Chongqing Science and Technology and Software Industry, Chongqing Software Park focuses on the long -term development goals to build product research and development, communication technology, mobile internet, digital entertainment, technology finance and other corporate clusters. During the year, it became the leading park with the leading and international influence of education and industrial integration in China. In order to help the development of software parks and show the sense of science and technology of the software park, the two large screen walls in the park use the 55 -inch 1.8mm sewing LCD stitching screen of Huayun Vision, which shows first -class effects and full of technology!


Real shot picture:


55 -inch 1.8mm 5*7 (five elements and seven columns) stitching


55 -inch 1.8mm ultra -narrow edge stitching screen, strong border is strong and reliable, 1.8mm ultra -narrow bezel, reducing the distance between the borders, when forming a large screen wall, if you look at the same screen; professional -level high -definition image processing technology, improve stitching stitching Wall (stitching from multiple stitching screens) color uniformity, the picture looks very clean and tidy; high -performance anti -glare surface treatment, dispersing the reflected light of the surrounding light, greatly improved the readability of the image and image displayed on the display screen Essence


Using hydraulic maintenance bracket embedded installation, the characteristics of the bracket before hydraulic maintenance: light weight, thick thickness book, easy installation, can better integrate with the surrounding environment, can save space more, and also facilitate the later maintenance and after -sales service.





Copyright Shenzhen Huayun Vision Technology Co., Ltd Yue ICP Bei No. 18043770 技术支持:万创科技